Tag: #sustainability
Showing 118 - 126 of 147 results

The journey of workwear
Let us tell you how workwear comes to life: from the design phase to the moment we creatively reuse or repurpose it. This simple process...

How can we teach children about textile waste?
Educating the next generation It is important to practically decrease textile waste to save Earth’s limited resources. But it is equally important to educate the...

How can we minimise microplastics in textiles?
There is a lot of talk about microplastics at the moment and they cause concern for people primarily because they pose a serious threat to...

Producing workwear on demand decreases textile waste
When our customers receive their work uniforms manufactured at Lindström’s own garment factory, they can trust that it has been prepared with love and care...

We ensure that textiles are reused
In Finland, 100% of Comforta’s bed linen is recycled after use! In Finland, Comforta uses the services of Dafecor Oy to recycle textiles that can...

Linnanmäki: Amusement park-worthy workwear
Linnanmäki in Helsinki, Finland represents a traditional amusement park with the aim of creating unique experiences for its customers. Linnanmäki believes that engaged and enthusiastic...

Everyday decisions for the environment
Each of our employees takes care of Lindström’s impact on the environment. At our laundries, the textile care workers make dozens of decisions that affect...

Digital solutions
A smoother everyday life with digital solutions Customer expectations and changes in the world give us the direction to develop our services. Digitalization has opened...

Where are the bathrobes and towels coming from?
In September 2017, Sales and Marketing Director of Comforta Martti Louhento and Product Manager Tuula Kokkonen travelled to the town of Guimarães, in Northern Portugal,...

Helping 94.000 schoolchildren in Rajasthan, India
In India, more people have mobile phones than toilets. Approximately half of India’s 1.2 billion people live without a toilet of any kind. For 10...