Exploring the We Care culture

What do we mean by We Care culture?
We care means, for example, that we give each other good energy, keep things simple and clear, are curious and we listen to each other’s opinions. We talk openly when we have questions or encounter a problem and always try to find a solution to the problem. Above all, we care about each other and treat each other with respect. The feeling of caring is contagious, so together we want to maintain it and grow it even more. We believe that our we care culture is also visible to our customers.
We operate in very different countries, and our work community – even within a single country – is truly a multicultural one. We believe in treating all people equally and guaranteeing them safe working conditions and decent benefits for the work they do. Our operating methods are largely uniform in all countries, but we also respect the requirements of different cultures. We measure job satisfaction on a regular basis through the Voice of Employee survey and the Employer Net Promoter Score (eNPS).

Values guide our work every day.

We care for our employees – and ask for their feedback regularly
Ensuring employee satisfaction is our number one job, and we measure it on an annual basis with a comprehensive Voice of Employees survey once a year in November and with a short a pulse survey in between in May to gain regular feedback. Rather than asking employees to rate general statements, we ask them to select and rate topics that are most relevant to them in order to be happy, satisfied and engaged at work. The results help us understand what is most important to our employees and prioritize development activities accordingly.
Lindström's leaders are in a key role in creating a great employee experience to all.
Our leaders act as the role models for all Lindströmers worldwide. Our Leadership principles and We Care Leadership trainings support them in learning leadership skills, emotional intelligence, self-awereness, building trust in our teams and creating high-performing teams by leading with heart.