Legal notice

General Terms and Conditions of use of the Lindström website
Welcome to the website of Lindström Ltd and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as “Lindström”). Users are requested to read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using this website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”). Use of this Website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, the User shall be required to comply with all service-specific additional terms and limitations referred to in the Website that may appear on the Website and in updates thereof. Lindström grants to the User no further rights besides those separately specified in these Terms and Conditions.
This Website may be used only for information. Any use of this Website and downloading of Materials herein shall constitute agreement by the User to comply with the currently applicable Terms and Conditions. If the User does not accept these Terms and Conditions, then use of this Website and downloading of Materials herein by the User is prohibited.
Lindström hereby grants to the User a limited right to use, to examine and download information contained in the Website (herein referred to as “Material”) only for personal and non-commercial use. This granting of rights of use shall not constitute assignment of title to the Material or copies thereof.
The right of use shall be subject to the following limitations:
in all printouts and copies of the Material downloaded by the User, the User shall be required to preserve all notifications of copyright and other rights that are contained in the said Material;
the User shall have no right to modify the Material in any way, nor to reproduce, publicly exhibit or otherwise publish the Material or use it for a commercial purpose.
Use of certain restricted areas of the Website may require the creation of a personal, non-transferrable user ID. In such cases the User must register and supply all of the requested information correctly and accept the separate terms and conditions thereto.
Information provided by the User
The User undertakes to refrain from transmitting to Lindström any information or materials that are offensive, intimidating, obscene, defamatory, unlawful or protected by copyright.
The User shall provide accurate details when transmitting the User’s personal data to Lindström through the Website. Provision of false information shall be prohibited and may occasion consequences for the party providing false information. The User shall not transmit to Lindström any confidential information through this Website. The User accepts that no information or materials submitted through this Website to Lindström by the User, or by persons acting on behalf of the User, may be considered confidential or protected by rights. Lindström shall be free to use, reproduce, present and publish any such information and materials.
The User hereby accepts that any personal data provided by the User through the Website may be processed by Lindström in the manner permitted by personal data legislation. Data on Lindström customers is recorded in the Lindström customer register. The data in the customer register are used for maintaining and managing customer accounts. Lindström and companies belonging to the same group as Lindström shall also have the right to process the data in the register and to divulge name and address details for justified purposes of use (such as direct marketing) in accordance with the Personal Data Act. Customers have the lawful right to prohibit processing of their personal data for the purposes of direct sales, distance sales and other direct marketing.
Undertakings of the User
The User undertakes not to disrupt or attempt to disrupt the operation of the Website in any way.
The User undertakes to use the Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and any updated versions thereof, and with all applicable laws and other statutes. The User undertakes not to use the Website for:
transmitting junk mail or other unauthorised data communications,
falsifying header information or processing identifiers in a manner seeking to conceal the origin of content transmitted via the Website,
any activity that hampers the ability of other users to use the Website,
unlawful behaviour,
publication or transmission of material that infringes the rights of other persons or parties, or that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene or otherwise offensive, or of material that unlawfully advertises some product or service.
Lindström reserves the right to pursue all legal remedies arising from any infringement of these limitations.
The User hereby discharges Lindström and all companies belonging to the same group as Lindström at the time in question, together with all of the clerical staff, managers and representatives thereof, from liability for all claims arising from use of this Website by the User.
Data security
The User shall have no right to
use any devices or programmes that are capable of disrupting the function of the Website,
perform actions imposing an excessive burden on the structure of the Website (for example, sending mass mailings, i.e. sending junk mail), or
disrupt or manage the programmes and functions of the Website.
Prohibited actions of this kind shall include installing in the Website materials containing viruses, pre-set disturbance programmes, or other elements that are capable of influencing the software architecture of the Website.
Links to external websites
Lindström may include in this Website links to websites maintained by other parties. Use of links of this kind transfers the User away from this Website. Lindström neither supervises nor checks the content of external websites, nor shall Lindström be liable for the validity, reliability or data security of external websites. The User is advised to examine the terms and conditions of use and the user instructions of linked websites with care before using the said websites. The User shall use the linked websites entirely at the User’s own risk. The links shall, as such, constitute no indication of title to the linked website, nor to any support of Lindström for the said website or of its approval for materials therein; nor that the proprietor of a linked website is entitled to use any trade marks, trade names, domain names or copyrighted materials of Lindström or of its associated companies or subsidiaries; nor that Lindström is entitled to use any trade mark, trade names or copyrighted material that may be viewed through the said links.
External links to this Website
Written approval must be obtained from Lindström for all links to this Website, unless the link meets the following conditions:
the link consists solely of the plain local typeface URL www.lindstrom.xx (xx=ccTLD) or and includes no trade mark of Lindström or the word LINDSTRÖM as such or in logo form;
the link refers directly to the home page either at the local www.lindstrom.xx (xx=ccTLD) web site or at and to no subordinate page of the said website;
when following the link, the linked Lindström website opens in an independent new browser window and not in a frame of the linking website;
the appearance, placement and other features of the link do not create an erroneous impression that the linking party or its operations and products are associated with Lindström operations or are sponsored by Lindström;
the link has no detrimental effect on the reputation and trade marks of Lindström or of companies belonging to the same group as Lindström at the time in question.
Lindström reserves the right to withdraw its consent to a link at any time according to its own unfettered discretion, and also to prohibit any link meeting the foregoing conditions that, in Lindström estimation, has been placed in an unsuitable setting and could harm the high level of goodwill that is associated with Lindström or cause damage to Lindström.
Intellectual property rights
The copyright related to this Website and to all of the Material contained therein is protected under international copyright laws and copyright conventions. The User shall comply globally with all copyright laws when using this Website, and to prevent unauthorised copying of the Material.
All intellectual property rights pertaining to the Website (including copyright, registered and unregistered trademarks and designs, patents, domain names, commercial secrets and database rights) shall be retained by Lindström or by its partners. All goodwill arising from the use of intellectual property rights belonging to Lindström shall belong wholly to Lindström. Lindström grants the User no direct or indirect rights to any intellectual property rights.
Limitation of liability
Lindström shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the Website and the services contained therein remain in use continuously and without disruption. Lindström shall not, however, be liable for ensuring that the service operates in a manner that is uninterrupted, timely and free of error. Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in the Website. Lindström shall nevertheless not be liable for the accuracy of this content. The Material may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Lindström offers no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the Material, nor of the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information that appears on the Website or that may be shared through the Website. Any use of such opinions, advice, statements or information and reliance upon them shall take place at the User’s own risk, and the User is advised to seek the assistance of an expert for advice appropriate to the User’s individual situation.
All content is offered as is. The Website and the information contained therein will be modified from time to time. Lindström offers no guarantees and accepts no liability, including guarantees and liabilities in respect of commercial utility, suitability for any particular purpose or non-infringement of rights, or guarantees concerning the functioning of this Website or of its content. Lindström shall not be liable for the provision and accuracy of product and sales information outside of this Website, for example when the said information is provided by a reseller.
Lindström offers no guarantees as to the protection of this Website. All of the information contained in this Website is provided on an “as is” basis, with no guarantee of any kind. The User hereby accepts that Lindström cannot guarantee the data security of any information submitted through this Website. Lindström offer no guarantee that this Website, the webservers that maintain this Website, or electronic communications sent by Lindström are free from viruses or other harmful elements. The User hereby accepts that Lindström shall not be liable for materials or information that are sent or received by the User.
Lindström shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, immediate or consequential damage or special damage, or for such damage based on tort liability (including damage arising from loss of business, contract, product or information or from interruption of business operations), arising from use of this Website, or from prevention of the said use, or from these Terms and Conditions, regardless of whether the said damage is based on an agreement, infringement of rights, recklessness or other grounds, and even if Lindström was forewarned of the possibility of such damage. Lindström shall likewise not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, deficiencies or other defects, delays or lack of correctness of the information contained in this Website.
The liability of Lindström shall in any case not exceed the liability arising in accordance with mandatory legislation.
Lindström reserves the right to amend and modify these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time, as Lindström sees fit in its own unfettered discretion. All amendments to these Terms and Conditions shall take effect when they have been announced on the Website. Any use of the Website following amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall constitute acceptance of said amendment.
Lindström shall be entitled, at any time and without notice, to modify all parts of this Website; to rectify defects and deficiencies therein; to effect other alterations to this Website, to the Material and to the products, programmes, services and prices described on the Website; and to remove elements of the website from use, including Website functions. Lindström shall also have the right, without notice and without liability for compensation, to restrict the use of certain functions and services, or use of Website in whole or in part. For a justified reason, Lindström shall be entitled at any time to terminate all rights of use that it has granted.
Applicable legislation
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the law of Finland. If Lindström and the User are unable to negotiate an understanding on any point of dispute, then the said dispute shall be settled in the first instance at the District Court of Helsinki. A User who is a consumer may, however, submit the dispute to the general court of first instance holding jurisdiction in the district where the User is domiciled. A User who is a consumer shall also be entitled to seek a recommended resolution to the dispute from the Consumer Complaint Board.
Notifications concerning copyright and trade marks
Copyright to the content of the Website is owned by Lindström Ltd or by its partners. All rights reserved.
The Lindström name and the names of products and services that Lindström manufactures are trade marks, registered trade marks, trade names or registered trade names of Lindström Ltd. The other names referred to may also be protected symbols of their holders. All rights reserved.