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In conversation with Tibor Toplak

Teamwork is the dream work

Tibor Toplak is one of the sales representatives at Lindström Hungary, which, over the course of 15 years, has taught him a lot. He is responsible for the two smallest counties in Hungary, Zala and Vas, which are known for their hospitality. Toplak mentions exceptional team management as one of the key factors of his professional success. Noémi Binder, who has been Toplak’s direct manager for 15 years, possesses exceptional leadership skills and personal qualities. By trusting her employees, Binder has allowed Toplak to grow and work on different projects. Toplak says that Binder is like a good ship captain who keeps the ship on track.

“This is our job, and we love doing it”

Toplak not only has an excellent manager, but also amazing co-workers who support him both personally and professionally. He has assisted colleagues who are new and those who are experienced to get their work regimen going. He believes it’s important to pass knowledge on. A big component of being a sales representative is how a person sells something. Teamwork is a key factor in the daily motivation to work and excel. When people have a shared goal, it is simple to collaborate for their mutual benefit.

Lindström invests in people and new development

“If I’ve convinced them, let’s not waste time! It’s good for both parties.”

Lindström Hungary launched the industrial wiper service in July 2023, and Toplak has played a major role in selling it. Toplak quickly acquired the necessary knowledge and created his own sales methods for achieving excellent results. His previous job taught him how to handle important issues on the spot. He began visiting auto mechanics, observed the conditions, tried out messages, and learned from the feedback he received. Toplak had to keep his sales approach brief and clear since people working in this field don’t have much time to chat. Over time, user experience has resulted in new and growing sales.

“A variety of tasks you can choose from”

According to Tibor Toplak, working for Lindström is good for someone who wants a job with a variety of different tasks. He likes that being a sales representative allows one to experience and create something new every visit. One of the driving factors for Toplak is the opportunity to perform the tasks set by the management to the best of his ability.

Work-life balance allows great recovery

“15 years at Lindström speaks volumes”

Working for Lindström allows Toplak to organise his workday freely and have time to enjoy life also outside of the office, ensuring people recover and recharge, maintaining a good work-life balance. Toplak also feels that Lindström allows its employees to ask questions and to grow in their role.

“I am definitely more confident thanks to my job”

According to Toplak, the customer palette is varied and broad, which requires flexibility and adaptation for each client. He feels that all clients should get the same level of attention even if they have different problems and desires. This offers you opportunities to learn and relearn new things every time. Toplak feels that learning how to work more effectively is essential since the time for productive work is shrinking. His goal, as he states it, is “To maintain good relations with my coworkers and sustain the trust we have built with our partners.”

Who: Tibor Toplak
Role at Lindström: Sales representative at Lindström Hungary
Location: Vas, Hungary
Outside of Office: Toplak goes to the gym and goes fishing as well as hiking with his six-year-old son.

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