Tag: #safety
Showing 1 - 9 of 18 results
How to implement quality culture in food organisations
The requirements in food industry are constantly evolving. To attain or maintain international food safety certifications such as ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCS Food Safety,...
8 ways mats benefit your business
Mats benefit and fulfil various functions in a business context. Whether we are concerned with mats placed at entrances to buildings, design mats that form...
ISO 45001: Embedding health & safety into our culture
Learn how workplace safety standard ISO 45001 fits into our We Care culture, and how we involve Lindströmers across the globe in safety.
How to prepare for hygiene checks in food industry?
Prepare for hygiene checks in food industry with tips on compliance and avoiding mistakes. Meet the industry standards and boost your reputation.
Food safety and contamination prevention with compliant workwear
A key purpose of workwear in the food industry is to protect products and maintain food safety in the production process, minimising contamination risks. The...
Summer workwear – the ultimate guide to beat the heat
Our hottest tips on choosing the right summer workwear to help you beat the heat and keep your workday efficient and pleasant.
The Upright Project confirms our positive net impact on the world
We have teamed up with the Upright Project to evaluate the impact of our operations. The Upright Net Impact model assesses the resources we use...
Patient experience and employee well-being – pillars of private healthcare
To survive and thrive in the healthcare industry, private clinics need to differentiate themselves by offering high-quality services that meet their customers' needs and expectations while ensuring their employees' well-being and satisfaction.
Changing room design in food manufacturing: 6 top tips
Changing rooms are often overlooked in design, but did you know it is one of the most important rooms to consider in food production? Learn...
EN 14065: microbiological safety in textile processing
Learn the essentials of EN 14065, including its role in ensuring the microbiological cleanliness of textiles.