Lindström renews gold medal in EcoVadis sustainability rating
Our continuous efforts to develop more responsible operations were awarded the EcoVadis gold medal for the second consecutive time. Achieving this distinction places us in the top 5% of the over 125,000 evaluated companies, underscoring our commitment to sustainability.
However, our ambition level reaches even higher. Juha Laurio, the CEO, emphasises: “This is an important milestone on our journey toward achieving platinum status. Striving for the top 1% of rated companies is an ambitious goal that reflects our dedication to constant improvement.”
We are currently reviewing the areas for improvement and building a plan to develop our practices, reporting, and data collection. Inari Laveri, the Climate and Compliance Manager who is leading the work at Lindström, says: “While our environmental performance is already at an outstanding level, we are now focusing on other areas. I am confident that our new HR system will provide the necessary data to enhance our Labor & Human Rights scoring.”
EcoVadis, a leading sustainability ratings provider, offers a common platform to evaluate our sustainability performance with a universal scorecard, benchmarks and performance improvement tools. The rating covers environment, labour & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.