More than 7000 trees saved in Lithuania
With the ever-growing threat of rapid deforestation and wood processing around the world, companies in Lithuania are increasingly conscious of sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. It is estimated that 150 advanced Lithuanian companies have retained 20 hectares of forest in the past year, producing more than 28,000 cubic meters of fresh air a day, and these achievements have been recognized in textile ecology awards organized by Lindström Lithuania.
With the growing importance of ecology as a theme in the world, a growing part of society is not only aware of the importance of forests in the global ecosystem but is also taking steps to reduce its environmental impact. Scientists have found that taking care of the environment is not just for nature enthusiasts – about 1.6 billion people’s lives are directly dependent on the goodies found in the forest, which are then used in medicine.
Despite growing interest in nature conservation, the indicators are disappointing for environmental experts – according to world statistics, as many as 7 billion trees are felled annually. This problem is not bypassing Lithuania, where more and more companies are looking for eco-friendly ways to operate and reduce their impact on nature.

“It has been statistically proven that by paying great attention to the environment, companies not only create a positive image of the company in society but also increase employee satisfaction and pride in their work. As much as 27% of job seekers in Lithuania are paying attention to social responsibility as an important indicator when choosing an employer, says Gintare Alčiauskienė, Head of hygiene rental services at textile manufacturer Lindström.
The timber industry is a lucrative market, but its cost to nature is huge. It takes only 15 minutes to cut one tree, and it often takes at least 15 years to grow a new tree. Choosing rental washroom services, our customers are changing paper towels to cotton, contributing directly to the preservation of our country’s woodland. Among the award-winning companies, this year was the carwash leaders Švaros Broliai, smart sonar maker Deeper, real estate project development leader Hanner, DHL Lietuva, Vilnius Tech Park, Ermitažas, official Toyota representative Tokvila, international office furniture company Narbutas International and others. By replacing paper towels with cotton, the latter saved as many as 143 trees a year from felling.
“Social responsibility is an integral part of our company – knowing that our actions have an impact on the environment, we choose ecology and try to minimize the negative impact on the environment,” said Jolanta Kuprioniene, Narbutas International plant, and office manager. “We are delighted to have so many trees preserved, and we hope that the numbers will increase even more next year.”