Listening to customers is key to success
Feedback from our customers is a crucial part of how we work – all around the world. For example, our business unit in Pune, India is now getting excellent CX Index results. Our Business Manager there, Harshavardhan Galat, explains why: “When we began approaching every customer to get feedback we braced ourselves for surprises. In one case, we had the impression that our customer was very satisfied, but when the Voice of Customer survey results came back it became clear that the smaller of the customer’s two sites wasn’t nearly as happy with us as the larger one was. After analyzing the data, we realized that their smaller site was not visited as often, so now we are communicating actively with both – and the new results reflect this!”
At customer meetings, Galat’s team now explains that they will carefully act upon all feedback, and once customers see that changes actually happen, they are more motivated to share concerns. Voice of Customer survey helped our Pune operations realize that a major source of customer dissatisfaction was delays in customers’ orders. Based on this feedback, they made a point of processing all orders on the day they are received and improved communication about when to expect deliveries. Thanks to these changes, we improved our CX Index score and overall customer experience.
These efforts are indeed visible in the customers’ feedback. “Services provided by Lindström work really well for us. The team at Lindström made the implementation process seamless and the level of service we received was consistent with standards and well-maintained. Often, businesses believe they know what their customers think and how their services perform, but the customer-perceived quality is what matters the most. With the help of Voice of Customer survey, Lindström understands our expectations better and integrates customer insight into their decision-making. Lindström’s services are sustainable. We would go a long way using Lindström’s workwear service and as we continue to expand,” states Lourdes D’Souza, Head of HR at Sigma Laboratories Private Limited.