ECO Design Mats – now even more eco-friendly!
Our Strategy 2025 emphasizes the need to make our offering more sustainable. One way to do this is by using more ecologically-friendly raw materials. One significant step we have now taken is with the production of ECO Design Mats.
ECO Design Mats allow our customers to enhance their premises, help people find their way, or underline their brand’s uniqueness with its wide selection of sizes and colors. But they just got even better, as they’re now produced with yarn made from 100 % recycled PET bottles. As Lindström’s Service Owner for Mats, Marleena Luukka, puts it, “Now our Ecological Design Mat customers can be assured that not only is their choice of floor coverings is visually attractive – but also saved so many plastic bottles from going to the landfill.”
Our new mats are one more example of how we work tirelessly to improve our products and discover ever-more sustainable solutions for our customers –without jeopardizing quality.