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Five ways mechanics can stay safe as MOT exemption ends

At the start of lockdown, the government announced a six-month delay to all MOTs. That ruling ends on August 1 (although drivers before this date will still have up to six months of their MOT date to renew), meaning garages will see a flood of motorists bringing their cars in for an MOT. 

This influx of motorists looking for a new MOT certificate has the potential to put the safety of garage mechanics at risk. To mitigate health risks and the transmission of Covid-19, through the increase in close-contact and communication with customers, careful consideration and planning need to be considered. 

Lindstrom is ready to support your garage and its mechanics. We can ensure mechanics are safe at work with the best mechanic workwear rental service. 

Mechanic workwear rental services 

The workwear of mechanics is designed to stand up to the rigours of working on vehicles. Protection from oil, grease, and other chemicals all form part of that picture. However, the hygiene of the workwear comes under closer scrutiny, taking the coronavirus under consideration. 

The Lindstrom workwear rental service for mechanics and garages ensures work clothing is hygienically clean. We use industrial cleaning technology to destroy any remnants of the virus, while at the same time cleaning away the traces of oil, grease, and other dirt stains. 

Workwear rental is also more cost-effective than purchasing workwear and attempting to clean it yourself. The daily cleaning of mechanics overalls would be costly and time-consuming, so it makes sense to use a rental service that encompasses delivery, collection, cleaning, maintenance, and repair. 

Our mechanics workwear rental service is fully-tailored to your garage’s individual needs and requirements. The supply of workwear can be increased and decreased as your garage sees a changing demand for MOTs. This flexibility makes good sense during the pandemic and beyond. 

Contact a member of the Lindstrom team today to set up your mechanic worker rental service, protecting you, your workforce, and your customers. 

Lindström Group