Lindström Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements set on Lindström Group (Lindström Oy and its subsidiaries, later referred to only as “Lindström”) and its suppliers (collectively referred to as “we”) of goods and services concerning their responsibilities to their stakeholders, the environment and society in general. The Code of Conduct is based on our commitments. Lindström reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the requirements of this Code of Conduct in case Lindström’s own compliance policy is revised. If such a case is to occur, Lindström expects the supplier to accept the reasonable changes made. This Code of Conduct applies to all Lindström employees regardless of position and third parties.
Legal Compliance
We comply with the local and the international laws of the applicable legal systems of the respective country.
Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery
We do not tolerate corruption in any form nor in any business processes done internally or together with third parties (public or private sector companies). We do not give or take bribes either directly or indirectly. Offering or giving anything of value (including money, gifts, or services) in order to close a deal, keep business or gain an unfair advantage is prohibited.
We must not allow personal or family interests to influence our professional judgment. We avoid conflicts of interest in all of our business activities and decisions. We should accept a third party’s offer of an invitation to a meal or social event only if the primary reason for the event is a legitimate business meeting.
Data Privacy and Security
Our common objective is that everyone who is handling information is liable for taking care of information security and data privacy by complying with acknowledged usage rules and instructions for information security and data privacy. Lindström information security recommendations and data privacy is implemented based on national and international information security, data privacy statute, quality systems, information management best practices, and other standards additionally agreed upon.
Usage of Social Media
We encourage engagement with different social media. We take care of how and when we use social media. We consider the audience, do not post confidential information, and always respect others in our communication
Fair Treatment and Equality
We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. We do not accept any behaviour that may harm the dignity of an individual, particularly any physical or verbal harassment, e.g., any unwanted conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment.
Fair Employment
We are committed to fair employment practices which consist of hiring practices that are fair, merit-based, and non-discriminatory. We do not discriminate against employees based on their gender, maternity status, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, gender reassignment, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, disability, or age. We offer equal opportunities for training and development based on their strengths and needs, to help them achieve their full potential. We will reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance, contribution, and experience.
Employees should be provided with a written statement of terms and conditions of employment in the local language to ensure that employees are aware of their legal rights and obligations. We strive to contribute to positive social and economic development. We respect local cultures and want to understand and respect the customs and local values held by the people in the countries in which we operate.
As far as legally possible, we recognise the right of a free association of employees and to neither favour nor discriminate against members of employee organizations or trade unions.
Forced and compulsory labour
As part of our commitments, we are committed to enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or in our supply chain. We require all employees and partners to act with the highest degree of integrity and morality as well as understand and comply with all relevant laws and legal systems of the respective countries we operate in. We prohibit all forms of human trafficking and forced labour, including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour, slave labour , or other forms of forced labour or servitude.
Rights of Children and Young Workers
We are committed to ILO conventions 138 and 182, by which no person shall be employed under the age of 15, or under the age of completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher. Juvenile workers shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to compromise their health, safety, or morals.
Health and Safety
We identify risks and hazards in the working environment and take actions to mitigate them, in order to guarantee the health and safety of all our employees. We take precautionary measures against accidents, for instance, by maintaining proper and adequate fire safety conditions in the workplace, and occupational diseases and encourage everyone to participate in developing the practices. We provide training and ensure that employees are educated on health and safety issues. We expect health and safety behaviour from everyone in daily work. We utilize the ISO 45001 standard concerning health and safety.
We demand from ourselves as well as from our suppliers throughout the whole supply chain that local environmental legislation and international environmental protection agreements be followed. This compliance must be documented, and we have regular follow-ups to guarantee this policy in action.
We do our best and require our supply chain to minimize the possible negative environmental impacts of the operations, products, and services. We enhance the circular economy in our value chain while choosing the solution with the lowest lifetime impact on the environment. We take the environmental effects into account as early as the planning phase of operations, in transportation, and in product design and selection, for example, by using environmentally sustainable material sources.
We utilize the ISO 14001 standard or equivalent environmental management system to ensure continuous environmental improvement of operations through yearly environmental target setting and action plans.
We require our suppliers and their supply chain to comply with this Code of Conduct to abide by the principles of nondiscrimination regarding supplier selection and treatment.
We expect that all forms of communications, including statements, representations and certifications provided to the customers and partners are truthful and correct. We value the work done by our competitors and their employees. The promises made to our customers for our services with regard to quality and safety must comply with all applicable regulations and laws.