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Why You Need A Spill Mat

Commercial and industrial premises face a range of challenges, which can lead to a poor reputation, working conditions, and health and safety if not effectively tackled. Wherever maintenance, manufacturing, or production exists, there is one problem that needs to be managed over-and-over-again; the potential for oil, petrol, diesel, and different chemical and solvent spills. One of the most effective methods of tackling this kind of hazard is with oil spill mats.

Oil absorbent pads are one of the easiest and most convenient ways to keep your vehicle garage, workshop, manufacturing, or production spaces clean and in pristine condition. Spill pads and spill mats contain absorbents that soak up and lock away liquids such as oil and grease.

You can place them under vehicles, storage racking systems, and workstations to protect against dangerous leaks and spills.

The most significant benefit of choosing spill mats as a solution is that you or your workforce do not need to continually stop work to clean up oil spills. Instead of reaching for spill kits on the occurrence of every incident, you have a preemptive measure in place at the point of likely contact. The result is productivity goes up, downtime is reduced, and revenue and profits are maximised to their full potential.

If you are using traditional cleaning methods, you will be all too aware that they can be relatively ineffective. You often end up spreading the oil around rather than wiping it up and removing it. An alternative approach to manual wiping is laying granules, paper, or sawdust, but doing this is a messy and unsightly solution that does nothing for your business’s appearance and professionalism.

Spill mats are something that every garage or workshop can leverage with a positive impact on many different business aspects.

Keep Your Environment & Workers Safe

Oil leaks can have a severe and detrimental effect on your employee’s health, creating a high likelihood of slips and falls. With spill mats in place, you have a no-nonsense approach to keeping your environment and workers safe. You will no longer be reliant on your team responding quickly to leaks and spills to ensure accidents don’t occur and cause injuries and sick days, or worse still, compensation claims and legal action.

Most modern businesses also need to consider sustainability and the environment, if for nothing else, because consumers, customers, and business partners rank this high in the decision-making process when deciding who they want to have connections with.

Our oil drip mat rental helps you limit your impact on the environment and meet your sustainability goals. The oil absorbent mat rental service includes disposal of hazardous materials and oil, meeting the highest standards and strictest regulations. When you rent your spill mats from Lindstrom, you save yourself and your business a considerable amount of hassle, time, and cost.

Not All Spill Mats Are The Same

Our spill mats are highly absorbent and effectively soak up oil splashes and spills. They will help you cut back on clean-up time and help you avoid the high investment costs of purchasing spill mats yourself.

Supplied in the numbers you need, we offer a flexible rental approach where you can change the delivery frequency whenever you need to adapt to changing business demands.

To find out more about our spill mats rental service, contact our team on 01234 343 555.

Lindström Group