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Nordic Choice chooses sustainable partners

Nordic Choice Hotels and sustainable partners

Sustainability has became an important issue and matter of reputation for hotels. Customers world-wide expect sustainable use of energy, water and textiles, as well as responsibility in suppIier chain. “From all of our suppliers we require a written code of conduct, system
of monitoring their supply chains and environmental programme to make sure of sustainable use of natural resources”, says Cathrine Dehli, the Head of Sustainability of Nordic Choice Hotels. The hotel chain has three textile suppliers, two in Sweden and one in
Norway.Nordic Choice Hotel Partners

“We are aware of the challenges in the field and have, with our suppliers, been analysing the sustainability chain of our textiles covering cotton growing, manufacturing, sewing, dying, transportation, use in the hotels as well as maintenance in the laundries
and disposal of textiles out of use”, explains Cathrine of the work done lately. Also the mixture of bed linen by adding polyester and reducing cotton has been under consideration. It would make the linen more sustainable, but also affects the look and feel of them.

Cathrine wants to emphasize that sustainability is a chain of considered actions. “Our customers need to leave textiles they don’t want to be washed to racks, we have to leave textiles in racks to rooms and consider our own use of textiles. Our suppliers have to use the nature resources sustainably, wash and dry with as less energy and water as possible, and minimize the transportations. We don´t require that everything is perfect but the attitude has to be open, and going forward”, Cathrine sums up.


Nordic Choice Hotels is one of Lindström Groups customers in Sweden and Finland and among the largest hotel chains in Scandinavia. They have approximately 170 hotels in Scandinavia and in the Baltic and they employ over 12 000 people.

In Lindström bedsheets 20 000 000 nights are spent every year in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Russia.
From all of our suppliers we require a written code of conduct, system of monitoring their supply chains and environmental programme.

Lindström Group