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Transparent Workwear Rental

Businesses in almost all sectors are experiencing challenging times in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some firms, this has meant ceasing trading, while for others, this means trading at a reduced capacity.

For firms that continue to operate, PPE and workwear are absolutely essential, protecting workers from viruses and other potential hazards. However, as the situation changes, organisations may need to ask their staff to go on furlough, to manage the fluctuations in supply and demand.

This has left businesses with difficulties to navigate, and in some cases, is causing uncertainty in purchasing workwear and PPE. Lindstrom removes the need to outlay expenditure on new workwear by providing a cost-effective rental system. To tackle issues of uncertainty, Lindstrom has also introduced furlough protection on rented workwear.

Now, businesses across all sectors can protect their workers’ health and safety without fear of the changing situation with the pandemic.


Business Impact of COVID-19

COVID-19 is causing unprecedented disruption, but the UK government is offering business support and COVID relief. The government is reimbursing employers up to 80% of their workers’ wages, capped at £2,500 per month. This scheme has been extended from its original end date of June to the end of March 2021

With such uncertainty and disruption, businesses need forgiving workwear schemes that cater to workwear returns due to furloughed workers and unpredictable work loads.

Workwear Returns

The current furlough scheme has been extended, and to run in line with this, Lindstrom has decided to continue to support businesses with necessary workwear returns.

Lindstrom will support businesses with PPE as employees return to work. Lindstrom offers workwear returns of up to 30% of all workwear garments. We understand that worker safety is paramount and that working patterns and shifts fluctuate as the government responds with changing guidelines for reducing the coronavirus’s spread.

If your business needs to make returns or wishes to find out more about our workwear scheme’s policies, please contact our team today.

Lindström Group