Lindström Strategy 2025!
Strategy 2025
Where? Helsinki
Who? 40 Lindströmers
What? Kick start into deep dives for 2025
Why? To create a guiding vision for 2025, based on the guiding vision for 2030
This week, Lindströmers from across the globe, from India to Croatia and the UK to China, met in the Lindström head office in Helsinki to work together to look towards the future.
The visions we set together are daring, with a bold future goal and a clear finishing line. They require team work to be the catalyst for a clear and compelling focus, however this isn’t a sure bet or impossible to achieve!
Over the two days Lindströmers were split into four groups, to delve into concepts and ideas for different industries. Ideas opened discussions between one another, which allowed team members to provide knowledge and add value to the group, whilst providing opportunities of learning throughout. Of course, there was a competitive edge to the two days… some interesting yet brilliant innovative ideas were created for multiple products/services for different industries. Alls we can say is watch this space, the next service revolution could be approaching!