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Clothing cooperation in India

Antistatic clothing from Electrotek

IndiaElectrotek is a leading manufacturer of antistatic clothing in India. The company’s unit in Bengaluru manufactures garments solely for the needs of Lindström’s customers. As a result of the partnership with Lindström, the Bengaluru unit has grown from a unit of 22 to a production plant employing 140 people.

Case Elektrotek”We mainly employ women, and for us it is a matter of honour to be able to offer enough work to secure their workplaces and livelihoods. We want our employees to produce high-quality products, which I believe will only happen through their wellbeing at work. We are currently in the process of expanding our production facilities, paying attention to the wellbeing of staff in the design”, explains T.K. Shankar, Director of Electrotek.

“We meet our contact persons at Lindström a few times a month for one or two days at a time to go through products, work methods and premises”, says Shankar. “Together we develop our operations to correspond to Lindström’s requirements as far as both corporate
responsibility and product quality is concerned. Sometimes the targets are challenging, but our abilities and desire to develop are trusted.”

“Electrotek is a typical Indian clothing manufacturer for Lindström. The supplier was selected according to strict criteria, and operations are monitored through close collaboration and regular audits”, says Sourcing Director Kristiina Tiilikainen. “We are also glad to be
involved in the development projects of our suppliers, such as the expansion of Electrotek’s production facilities. We examined the plans together a year ago, and I just visited the plant to ensure the plans are being carried through as agreed”, states Kristiina.
Long-term and close co-operation are the main points in clothing manufacturing

”Electrotek on tyypillinen Lindströmin vaatevalmistaja Intiassa. Toimittaja on valittu tiukan kriteeristön ohjaamana, ja toimintaa seurataan tiiviin yhteistyön sekä säännöllisten auditointien avulla”, kertoo Sourcing Director Kristiina Tiilikainen. ”Olemme mielellämme myös mukana toimittajiemme kehityshankkeissa, kuten nyt Electrotekin tuotantotilojen laajennuksessa. Kävimme yhdessä suunnitelmat läpi vuosi sitten ja nyt kävin paikan päällä varmistamassa että asiat toteutetaan kuten sovittiin”, Kristiina kertoo.

Lindström Group