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The Latest Post Brexit Food Regulations & Legislation

Changes in UK food regulations are occurring in response to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. As food legislation is amended, it is vital to stay informed as the two entities establish and develop the legislation that governs the new trading relationship.

You must ensure your business remains compliant with WTO (World Trade Organisation) trading rules, and here we give you the resources that cover the major points and changes in procedures.

If you own a food manufacturing business and are importing and exporting between the UK and EU, you must:

  1. Obtain a GB Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI) number
  2. Hire an export-import agent or handle declarations yourself
  3. Contact your goods mover to find out what they need to make their declarations and to determine if you need to make these yourself

To remain in compliance with the Rules of Origin for tariff-free trade with the EU, you must be able to prove the good’s origin, according to Product Specific Rules outlined in the Trade and Cooperations Agreement.

The food regulations and procedures for moving goods between Ireland and NI are different from those for EU-UK trade. You can read the government’s guides on customs procedures and VAT here.

If your business important plants, plant-based products, or seeds, which were covered under the Plant Passport Scheme, then these imports are subject to UK import controls. You can read the government’s advice on importing plants and plant products here.

Marketing Standards Inspections are taking place on exports to the EU to minimise border delays. The Marketing Standards are product-based as fruit and vegetables, hops and hop products, wine, eggs, beef and veal, and poultry meat.


Ensuring Food Safety & Hygiene Is Still Meeting High Standards

The government continues to look for ways to maintain high domestic food standards through food regulations. This will inevitably have a cost-effect on UK businesses, so it is essential to look for ways that your company can improve efficiency and reduce costs within the supply chain.

Renting your catering and food manufacturing clothing and PPE from Lindstrom is one solution that will help you reduce costs while meeting high standards in compliance with food regulations. All workwear and uniforms are laundered to strict hygiene standards.

Lindstrom can supply your black catering trousers, hats, and jackets. Stylish and comfortable, the uniforms fulfill their role, and our cleaning processes are kind to the environment.


The Impact Of Food Manufacturing

New food regulations may affect UK businesses to greater extents as there is no longer an official national delegate representing the UK with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and other EU food safety bodies. This lack of official representation will make it more difficult to ensure food chain compliance between the EU and the UK. It also opens up the possibilities of many issues surrounding scientific cooperation, public transparency, packaging, labelling, and traceability.

Lindstrom is passionate about supporting UK businesses as they deal with rising costs and increasing timescales surrounding compliance, labelling, data, weight checks, and safety inspections.

To discuss how our rental workwear service can help your business, please contact our team.

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