Working caps and headcovers
De grundläggande arbetskläderna för arbetare inom livsmedelsförädling. Viktigt för att täcka håret och skydda livsmedelsprodukterna.
Working caps or headcovers are used as a protective device in gastro and food productions, where they protect the hair and head from dirt and ensure that workers’ hair does not contaminate the final products and production equipment.
Working cap KIRK with neck back cover
Work cap with peak and Velcro for size adjustment. With an extension to cover the neck. Also available in a variant with a hairnet.
Working cap KIRK
Work cap with peak and adjustable size with Velcro.
Complete head protection, covering the entire head, neck and part of the shoulders. Comfortable, easily washable material.
How our workwear service works
We are professionals
Do you want a price offer?
Please fill out the contact form. Or contact us by phone: +46 10 330 35 10
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