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Why should everyday superheroes choose industrial washing?

Each superhero has an archenemy or a particular weakness. Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite. Batman has to handle the Joker. And everyday superheroes have to protect themselves from microbial contamination. In order to do this, their workwear has to be worn and washed properly.

Meanwhile, research says that up to 58% of everyday superheroes mix their workwear and personal laundry. Also, every one in two wears his or her work clothes while travelling to work[1]. Just imagine Clark Kent putting on his Superman costume for the daily commute. Such behaviours are a serious threat to both workers and the products they come in contact with!

Battling unwanted germs

Germs have their own superpowers and can survive up to 21 days on home washed garments. This can lead to contamination and illness of even the most resilient everyday superheroes. In many industries like food, pharmaceutical or healthcare it might also affect others. To prevent this from happening, companies like Zydus Takeda Healthcare have opted for an industrial washing service:

“As we work in the pharmaceutical industry, any contamination might affect a big number of people and their lives. With industrial washing, we know that trained professionals handle our workwear. We can be certain that microbial control and uniformity in washing quality is guaranteed, but we also lower our environmental footprint through water savings and use of mild liquid detergents” – Veena Fernandes, Zydus Takeda Healthcare.

Say goodbye to home laundry day

Workwear of everyday superheroes is like Batman’s suit. This high quality equipment helps them do extraordinary things. But it needs proper care and attention to offer adequate protection. No superhero does his own laundry. Neither do they mix their costumes with everyday clothing. They know that avoiding risk and harming those, who they protect, requires special measures to be taken. And so should you.

Support everyday heroes by choosing industrial washing!

Lindström Group