Munkaruha szolgáltatás a kiskereskedelmi szektor számára
Our workwear solution is based on your needs
Buying, owning and managing workwear is probably not at the very heart of your business strategy. When you let Lindström take care of your workwear needs, you free up time and money for your core business.
Our workwear service includeseverything from acquiring the garments to laundry, maintenance, delivery, storing and even discarding of the
textiles. You only pay for the weekly leasing.
Gondoskodunk minden bértextíliával kapcsolatos igényéről
Válassza professzionális szőnyeg-, munkaruha- és ipari törlőkendő kölcsönzés szolgáltatásainkat, ha ipari és munkahelyi textíliák terén szeretné a maximumot biztosítani vállalkozásának!
Bérleti szolgáltatásaink a textil életciklusának minden lépését lefedik – a tervezéstől, a kiszállítástól, a mosástól és a begyűjtéstől az újrahasznosításig és a fenntartható újrafelhasználásig.
Munkaruha szolgáltatás a kiskereskedelmi szektor számára
Munkaruha bérlés és szolgáltatás! Venni vagy bérelni!? Tudjon meg többet arról, miért nyújt többet a Lindström munkaruha szolgáltatás egy egyszeri vásárláshoz képest!
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Nisl integer sed sed iaculis sed lacus vehicula. Nam tortor amet quis tristique integer ullamcorper.
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Nisl integer sed sed iaculis sed lacus vehicula. Nam tortor amet quis tristique integer ullamcorper.
Gyakori kérdések
As a one-time purchase, taking the plunge and buying workwear seems like an attractive solution. However, the care of the clothing is an essential factor in the final cost, as well as garment repairs, replacements, and logistics. Buying workwear includes a lot of hidden costs you may not be taking into consideration. Our workwear service is always a more affordable solution when it comes to overall costs – it includes everything and saves you the stress of handling the arrangements by yourself.
- Acquiring the garments
- Cleaning and maintenance of workwear
- Meeting the legal obligations and standards for workwear
- Lost garments and replacements of damaged workwear
- Seasonal changes in workwear needs and storing the garments
- Logistics arrangements between laundry service and your facility
Our existing workwear collections are fully customisable whether you want to add a pocket somewhere or change some buttons. If your company requires a fully customised workwear solution, our designer team will help create unique company workwear specifically designed for your needs.
We want to ensure the safety and comfort of your employees when using our workwear and therefore fit all the garments before delivery and order custom changes to them if your employees need for example, shorter sleeves or legs on certain pieces of workwear.
Once you have ordered your new Lindström workwear, we always agree separately about the delivery time. Before the delivery, we make sure the workwear fits all employees properly and make any modifications needed. The final delivery time depends on the number of employees and the extent of customisation on your workwear.
Workwear can vary immensily in terms of quality and meeting safety standards. We have designed our workwear to meet the legal obligations and standards, such as protective qualities and hygiene requirements of different industries and offer you workwear solution that is suitable just for your needs. Renting wokrwear from a reputable source, you can be sure that the garments and accessories are constructed from time-tested, durable, and safe materials.
93% of people consider their workwear clean after washed.*
It is a common misunderstanding that clean would equal hygienic but neither home washing nor regular laundry services meet the hygienic standards of many industries. Cleaning only removes visible dirt, whereas hygienic cleaning also eliminates invisible dirt, bacteria, and other pathogens. For many industries, home washing or regular laundry services simply do not meet the industrial and legal requirements and therefore impose a risk for both employees and employers with responsibility for product safety.
*Data from the European Textile Services Association (ETSA).
We aim to get more value from existing products. That is why we repair more than 4 million garments yearly and promote reusability, where the footprint is shared by several users. Customised garments have 30% higher carbon footprint than our reusable Lindström collection.
Around 60% of the CO2 impact comes from washing the workwear. We have optimised our washing process and have halved our water and energy consumption per washed textile kilo during the past three decades.
We only produce new workwear when necessary, so there are no unused garments in our customers’ stocks or capital tied up in the inventory. We maximise the textile lifespan with designing for long life with durable materials, repairing and reusing.
In the end of their life cycle our workwear is given a new life as a different product or as raw material for various industries. By 2025 we aim to recycle 100% of our textile waste. By 2035 we will provide you with carbon-neutral workwear service.
Több mint 175 éves textilipari tapasztalat
A Lindström egy családi vállalkozás, amely több mint 175 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a textiliparban. Sokféle ágazatban működő vállalatok textiligényeit látjuk el mosásálló professzionalizmussal.
Magyarországon 3 telephellyel rendelkezünk, és több mint 250 Lindström alkalmazottat foglalkoztatunk. Nemzetközi szinten is sikeresek vagyunk, megkönnyítve ügyfeleink mindennapjait Európában és Ázsiában.
Sokoldalú szolgáltatásaink felelős alternatívát jelentenek az eldobható termékekkel és a textilbirtoklással szemben. A fenntartható értékek, a rugalmas szolgáltatás és a hazai ruhatervezés a működésünk sarokkövei.
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